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ULEZ (Ultra-Low Emission Zone)

We are calling on the ULEZ to be expanded to the whole of London - not just the north and south circulars. We are also campaigning for Mayoral Candidates to commit to a roadmap to stricter standards in future for the ULEZ. Current standards are not ambitious enough.

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Car Free Days

We worked with the Air Team to bring some colour and fun to Car Free Day. CleanAir4Schools set up a rainbow racetrack for zero-emission rides on cars to mark Car Free Day on Stoke Newington Church St.

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Campaign against bus stops outside school playgrounds

CleanAir4Schools has been lobbying TFL and Hackney Council to remove the bus stop from outside William Patten Primary School for three years.


The bus stop is not used by any of the pupils traveling to school, and the next bus stop is not far.


We've spoken directly with London Mayor Sadiq Khan about the issue and hold regular meetings with air quality and transport officers at the GLA and TFL. 


No school should have buses idling outside their playgrounds.

Women Holding Hands
Campaigns: Programs

Current campaigns

Woodburning Stove Campaign

Did you know that a woodburning stove can be 18 times more polluting per hour than driving a diesel car?


Or that wood-burning is believed to be the single biggest contributor to particular pollution – making up a third of particle pollution in London each year?


CleanAir4Schools is urging residents to give up woodburning for cleaner air.

Campaigns: Programs

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